Malbus, Baze (3)
Basic info
First appearance: Rogue One
Species: Human
Events: Mission to Jedha, Mission to Eadu, Battle of Scarif
Baze Malbus was a human male born on the desert moon of Jedha fifty-three years before the Battle of Yavin. Once a devoted member of the Guardians of the Whills, Malbus became a freelance assassin during the age of the Galactic Empire. Nevertheless, he maintained a deep friendship with Chirrut Imwe, who also served with the Guardians. Wielding an MWC-35c repeating cannon, being 5ft 11in and wearing a quad-folded plastoid armor he fought against the imperials. Following the destruction of Jedha City, Malbus and Imwe became part of the Rebel group known as Rogue One. After Imwe's death in an explosion during the Battle of Scarif, Malbus rushed the Imperial death troopers and was killed by a C-25 fragmentation grenade.


See also
Complete list
Baze Malbus (DDFS) Baze Malbus (#37) Baze Malbus (Unique)
Disney Deluxe Figurine Sets
The Black Series 6'' (Black & Red Box Design)
Baze Malbus (DDFS)
Baze Malbus (#37)
Baze Malbus (Unique)
C1366 / B3834
Mission to Jedha

Last updated: 26.09.2021 11:09:31